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Posts posted by sagehyuga

  1. Rumors going around are that 'Mist Village' is next 😄 so im assuming some reference for their Anbu mask could help?

    And while im posting on Anbu mask! I have here some samples for 

    Sand Village'  anbu mask as well 🙂 (crossing out faces that were too blurry in the reference i have unless others can post something else/more)


    **this should lead to a decent amount of Anbu mask in options for players from each village aside from 'The Hidden Leaf'**



  2. Tricked Or Treated 😄

    Within each city and town, you can visit the innkeeper once per hour, where you'll either be "tricked" or "treated."

    If you're tricked, you'll be transformed into either a frog, human ghost, kitten, skeleton, or snake for a couple of minutes, or you'll be given a costume that you can wear. These include costumes of bats, assassins, pirates, skeletons, or wisps, and last for one hour. If you have better luck, you'll be treated and receive a treat bag containing various consumable candy items, a flimsy mask, or a wand that will allow you to transform friendly players for a limited amount of time.


    [I basically copy & Pasted the Wotlk event details from way back in the day; but collecting a group of people to trick or treat with is a classic staple of Halloween]



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