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Leader: Dziubus (dc: Dziubuś#0769)

Founded: 18-07-2022

We re looking for people who will worthily represent our organization. We intend to be the strongest shinobi in our little world, so we expect you to become stronger and stronger. We re very ambitious and willing to help yall even from the beginning with that. Everyone started as a kids who were lost and couldnt do anything, surrounded by people much stronger than them. Some people gave up and some other never did and they can really kick some asses. The time for you will come too, our little Genins! We re going to help you out and after you get your promotions, u will help new recruits in the future. We dont really crave for crybabies who will sob on global chat after defeat that someone stronger than them exists instead of training and trying harder. Thats why determination and will to become strong is very important to us. Its meant to be a stable, growning community not only in game. We really want everyone to be proud of being part of it ❤️ 

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