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Everything posted by RDT90

  1. Yeah while I do understand the lore behind the reasoning for constant PVP, it does make it really hard for lowbies who for whatever reason don't have a group to play with to actually do quests. Like it took me about 10 deaths to get to Yokohana town or whatever it was called. It's hard enough learning the game without having higher levels sit outside the gates and gank you for an hour or so. I know a lot of people said to just group up, or that when the game is actually launched and ready to go, but you're assuming that most people will be bothered to run out and take down other players who are killing lowbies, which might not be the case. Later on when a lot of people have maxed their levels, and done whatever end game content there is, then sure that will happen, but early on when you want to actually grab new players and have them stay, I do genuinely think this will stop them from doing so. Either allow people to toggle PVP on and off till about level 10 or so, when they can actually defend themselves to some extent
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