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Everything posted by Astardia

  1. Bug Name: Village Gate Guard Sidequest Brief Description: If you're unlucky, there's a chance to get a sidequest to kill the guards in the training area, however they aren't taggable, and even if they were, would be impossible to kill. Reproduction steps: Do sidequests 'til you get unlucky. Additional info: Pictures:
  2. Oh yeah no, I know how to do that lol, I was specifically saying that you can equip weapons you aren't trained for, and idk if that's intended or not. Like, if you don't have 2handed weapon training, you can still equip 2handed weapons.
  3. When I started the game, the first thing I wanted to do was try out 2-handed weapons. Initially thought that I couldn't use it until training due to the red text on the weapon type, but I was able to equip and use it anyway despite not having the training to do so.
  4. Hey, not entirely sure what could be the cause of the bug, or any fixes to it but it seems Simple Strike only actually registers hitting a target 30% of the time. The best solution I've found thus far is to move slightly when casting it, hoping that the hitbox manages to connect, but if you stand still it'll not connect at all, or even tag another mob significantly further away that you shouldn't have hit in the first place.
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