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Levels and EXP rates are a little odd

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Starting out one's training in the village up to a certain point would work well, if the snakes dropped equivalent amounts to rats (ferrets are lvl 1, I don't expect much there). When you feel that training in the village has slowed down some and you leave it, you come to realize that the wolves and bears outside the village (lvls 4-8 in my experience) have really bad experience drops comparative to the difficulty. This trend is maintained across the general play area, making it so there's only a few things worth killing for experience because some mobs are worth randomly less.

The level difficulty of mobs in and of itself is also somewhat misleading to the point that 'lvl 8 moth' is presumed to be around bear-level difficulty (very easy) only...they actually have 2x the HP and damage for no reason easily discernible to new players other than: it's alpha and everything is constantly in flux and subject to adjustment. I'd probably place moths and bees closer to around lvl 15 than whatever they're at right now. The only reliable way to assess a threat accurately right now is to check its HP.

The experience from quests beyond the tutorial is also sort of weird. The exploration quests, for instance, give you about 130 exp - which is about the same EXP I'd get for killing a single snake within the village, except I wouldn't have wasted 20 minutes to get it.

tldr leaving the village is actually really bad exp wise other than a few notable exceptions, one would think beyond the gates would have better exp resources but the early progression is really confusing because it requires you to go from acad -> all the way to yoko by skipping everything in between because it simply sucks, a lot of world mobs and quest rewards should be retuned

Edited by Kizo

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Case in point from a lvl 9 wolf with 5k hp that almost killed me: I got 180 exp from it.


Edited by Kizo

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Ok so, EXP rates 2 electric boogaloo. The last update done to increasing EXP rates helped a ton with rebalancing things, so the biggest issue with farming at present is a matter of mob density.

Here's a little sliver of spreadsheet I made, values may differ a bit (lowest lvl grey wolves can give 2800 exp) but it's a relatively accurate general reference point.


Currently, there are only a few places with decent mob density: ferrets (low exp), rats (good exp, density, but in the most populated farming area in the game which essentially reduces their density), as well as moths/bees. Any other potential leveling areas, such as all the mobs from the Eastern portion of the map, such as crocodiles by rivers, farmers near Port Hachou, are made unfarmable by the fact that they hit obscenely hard (relatively frequent 1k hits when the highest hp players have about 9k-10k with food) and are high level (high chances of missing).

There are 4 potential fixes:

1. Increase density of certain types of mobs (amount of mobs in a small area) to make them viable for farming.

2. Increase the EXP given by mobs with low density.

3. Diversify farming areas by retuning mobs in the high level areas (farmers, crocs, tigers) and keep expanding on the idea of leveling areas.

4. Do a mix of all of the above.

Currently the leveling meta is that 1-5 is rats and intro quests, 5-20 is sidequests around Kono for koban, 20-40 is moths/bees near Yoko. Because there are so few places where mobs are grindable for SQs or EXP, there's a limited amount of players that can be doing stuff at any given time. If there's 3-4 players in Konoha doing SQs, another 3-4 at moths/bees, 2-3 more at the gates of Konoha then it creates significant downtime caused by lack of mobs. This means there's essentially a softcap on how many players can be active in-game at any given time.

Just keep in mind that this map (provided to me by Gogo, no idea who made it) shouldn't be used as a reference point for at what level people can farm somewhere. Players that are over level 30 struggle with the zone labeled as 18-28 because HP is around 10k and many mobs in that area hit for 1k.


Edited by Kizo

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