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Legendary Ninja
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Everything posted by Harrington

  1. The frustrations of RP death are the exact reason it will be implemented but for the moment it is off the table. as for RP if you don’t want to do it you don’t have to but RP is required for promotions. most of staff comes from other naruto RP projects. The cringe level is pretty low.
  2. Thanks for the feedback! Your English was just fine! Based on your suggestions I really think you’ll be pleased with our product.
  3. Hi Madara! Please be aware canon names and characters from naruto will not be allowed! Sorry for any inconvenience.
  4. Not to worry! everything in the post aside custom dojutsu will be in game. World Bosses and other things to kill will be all over the world!
  5. Here you can talk about any games you might be playing and why you like them. Let's hear your case to why we should play too!
  6. Hi there! Sorry for the super late response! We are currently in development so the game isnt actually out yet. When it does launch though it will be widely announced!
  7. I was gonna say the same but I lowkey have a lot of faith in weed
  8. Hey Kenseii! Welcome to the family!
  9. That's great to hear! I think you'll be very pleased with what we have in store based off your post! ? if you have any questions feel free to ask them! I have a questions thread coming soon.
  10. Hi there folks! I intend to start using the forum more often to communicate with yall. Today I only have one very opened ended question for you! What are your expectations for Shinobi Story? What would you like to see or not see? Tell me here!
  11. We as a team are very large fans of how runescape was made and maintained, we believe that as our inspiration runescape will be a great guide for us to build a game worth exploring and really getting immersed in.
  12. Harrington

    clien ?

    Hello Bragane. Our game is in development. You received an error screen that says that every time you clicked download. Hope that helps!
  13. What game? This is a forum for battlestar galactica bro
  14. It was wandering myself but stopped logging in. I’ll try to do it more.
  15. I’ll be there. Any time works. If you force me to vote for a day I’d say Wednesday
  16. No I finished my dowload two days ago that’s how I know the download takes two days it wasn’t a guess it was actual feedback.
  17. It’s normal some of us waited 48 hours
  18. For further info I have a similar issue, the launcher itself is barely too big for my resolution and my resolution doesn’t go up anymore. HOWEVER. After I hit “play” it brings me to the login screen which is not too big and is resizable.
  19. If you aren’t able to gather information that is posted in updates or on the forums there’s no place for you here this is why roleplay communities are frequently small. If you think we care about that you’re wrong. The roleplay based community is large enough to support itself without humoring anyone who is incapable of basic tasks like reading forums or updates. this is not point of view it’s reality. If someone is so useless that you can’t read the forums or update section they won’t succeed here and there’s no point in humoring them.
  20. If you’re not able to answer questions for yourself that have been answered a hundred times already your Roleplay experience will not only be very tough on you but will take away from the enjoyment of others. The community shapes this game and will shape the community that plays it too.
  21. I think PvP wise Jounin up should be able to use RP kill, not those below. Perhaps even Chunin +. However in RP combat, it should be possible for anyone to kill or be killed. If the RP switches to PvP kills shouldnt be allowed. Sadly we cant trust a majority of the internet to not gank and grief. I believe my solution (or revision to #4 if youd rather) is the best possible avenue ensuring quality game play for everybody and encourages people to roleplay if they would like to be a villain instead of just PvP killing people who are here to roleplay.
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